Steps To Make Your Job Search In 2016 A Success

Posted by | January 12, 2016 | Article University

By Perminus Wainaina

What are some of the things you can do to make your job search process easier and maybe pleasant? Job searching is often a difficult period regardless of the reason you are not working and when a person is jobless, it can affect their self esteem and confidence. This is why it is easier to get another job when you are engaged.

In the course of my work I interact with many candidates, and I have observed a set of behavior common with those who are able to get jobs faster. I would like to share their approach to job search and what makes them special such that they don’t have to make endless job applications to succeed.

The number one quality I have identified is that the candidates are specific on what they want. Whether it’s the salary, job description, company size or location, these candidates are that specific. By being specific it helps them narrow their search to certain companies and positions. They don’t waste their energies and will gladly say no to an offer that does not meet their expectations. Compare their approach to the majority of candidates who are not sure of what they want and continuously apply for even those jobs that don’t match their interests. You are better off applying for three jobs in a month; jobs that you have carefully considered than making random applications that don’t yield much.

Another quality is the ability to network. Successful candidates are able to establish contacts with a lot of people. With such contacts they are the first ones to know when there’s a vacancy. Some have such strong networks and are aware of company plans to hire even before the role is advertised. You too can establish such contacts by making a point of knowing people beyond your office and family. Make a point of attending events, seminars and embrace any opportunity that will get you to interact with others. Always remember, people hire those they know and like and it starts with friends and acquaintances. You are more likely to get an appointment with a HR manager through a referral than if you contact them directly.

What is your level of confidence? Do you fear rejection? I have encountered several scenarios where a wife or husband contacts me with the CV of their spouse for job placement. And it doesn’t stop there. The wife or husband keeps calling to find out the progress. It’s Interesting, when I look at the CV the individual is educated and some are in managerial posts. At some point I’ll ask them to inform the job seeker to contact me directly as it’s impossible to assist someone I don’t know. If you lack confidence and are afraid of rejection, you’ll be out in the sun for a longer period. Employers are not attracted to candidates who don’t have faith in themselves. And if you fear rejection, too bad because there are no guarantees! Sometimes things don’t work out as planned and you have to start afresh and keep repeating the process.

Still on confidence, it is important to go for what you want. And the easiest way is putting yourself out there; in harm’s way, so to speak. Let me explain, whenever you see a vacancy that suits you how about contacting the recruiters by paying them a visit? Obviously you have to meet the criteria so that you don’t waste anybody’s time. By taking a different approach from the thousands who rely on emails and do nothing else, you will surely stand out and lessen the time it takes to get a job. You’ll also have a chance to form a relationship with the recruiters, which goes along way into knowing you better and updating you on vacancies that suit you.

Lastly, cultivate patience. Know that good things take time. Don’t be too excited every time someone calls you for an interview. Don’t be quick to sign any offer you get. As long as you know that you are giving something back, you will treat every interaction with a potential employer as one of equals. I don’t mean you be arrogant, but also be calm knowing that it can go both ways. You can meet them and they don’t impress you. You can be very excited on what they have to offer but they fail to see your potential. Whichever way it goes, be calm knowing that there will be another chance with a different employer. Hard times never last forever.