5 Ways To Turn An Internship Into A Job

Posted by | May 31, 2015 | Article University

By Kennedy Omondi,

“I am in an internship with a leading service company and would like to have a job with them with at the end of my internship period. What should I do to make this possible?” Asks Kirwa Juma via email.

It is important that in conducting your duties, you come out as resourceful and indispensible. This is according to Justus Ngetich a Human Resource manager.

Here are some of the key ways to effect this.

How To Turn your Internship Into a Job

1. Choose the right internship.
First and foremost, it is important that you select an internship that is in line with your career. This is important because you will be having skills that match that position and will make your work much easier compared to working in an unrelated field.

In addition to this, it must be one that require substantial work. You can do this by going through the duties you are supposed to play in the company and even talking to former interns to get their perspective on their experience in the company.

2. Conduct Yourself As An Employee And Not An Intern.
When conducting your daily duties, you are considered as one of the employees, the difference is very minimal.

Therefore, when conducting your daily duties make sure you do it the same way you would if you were an employee on the same position.

This should not only reflect on the performance but also on your presentation too. This is in the essence of the company’s dress code and office hours.

3. Network With Fellow Employees.
Most interns always shy off and enclose themselves in a circle of fellow interns. This is why most employers do not settle for them as they seem aloof.

On the onset of your internship, engaging with your full-time colleagues actively. Use the internship as an opportunity to network with senior leaders and your fellow interns.

From here you will have vital contact that will boost your chances of getting a job even if it is not on the same company.

On the other hand, they can serve as references or recommend you for a job and alert you to positions at other companies. Do so by attending company events that are open to staff and interns.

4. Develop your skills.

Once you have commenced your internship, ensure that you keep abreast with the new ways the company conducts its activities in the form of skills.

Be it software programs, accounting techniques, or database systems, make sure that you amerce these skills since they are the important to the company in as far as conducting their business is concerned. This will make you an asset to the company.

Get this from projects and through observation and polish those skills. The wider your range of skills, the more valuable you will be to the employer

5. Be a Flexible Team Player.
During your internship program, you should strive to look resourceful. You can do this by accepting a wide variety of tasks, including those that may not relate directly to your.

Your willingness to go the extra mile will be seen as having initiative and help in your path to assuming greater responsibilities.

In doing so, make sure are aware of how your assignment relate to those of your fellow workers and work hand in hand with them. Your success will be gauged on your ability to get along with and interact with others.

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