Ways of Improving Good Work Ethics : Enhancing Productivity

Posted by | December 11, 2014 | Article University

By Patrick Koranteng Antwi

Lording over a group of people is not an easy task; likewise succumbing to the heated behaviors of leaders at the work place is not a one plus one affair. At work places, the main aim is economical gain so services rendered to the people are necessary for the structural and economic expansion of the organization. As a vibrant employee, you are an important chemical in the success equation, so respect, honesty and trustworthiness are fundamental traits to display. What are some other behaviors employees’ exhibit at work places which are encouraging? What are some other traits to improve good work ethics? A lot of articles on the internet and books have explored this topic but this article is typically geared towards the African job market or setting.


Let procrastination be a foreign word which you do not understand

The idea of “I will do it later” is a canker imbedded at work places. Heaping files to work on later is now a fashion every employee craves to experience but its long term effect is ineffectiveness towards work and low productivity. The main cause of procrastination is over confidence. This employee foresees he has all the time the world gives to do a stipulated work, but unfortunately on his part he is not aware of tomorrow’s worries, something can happen which he has to postpone his procrastinated work to attend to. To improve our work ethics, when we set to execute a task we should salt our being with the idea “finish it now and do it right”. When we are tasked with a job or in the due process of fulfilling our responsibility doing it outright should be our hallmark. Procrastination is an enemy and a characteristic of failure which has no advantage at the work place. One best way of improving our good working habits, to increase productivity, is a stop to procrastinate!


Use time as you are told to and as required

Reporting time and closing time are norms of work places. Keeping taps on employee’s arrival and departure times are carefully supervised nowadays. When employees fail to arrive on time, salary deduction, allowance denial and suspension for some few days are used as punishment. How much is the salary! Displaying good character of punctuality can be a positive trait which can spray you with reliance and exclusive devotion towards work. Bosses and co-workers can rely on you and you will be a role-model to many. When you give time its place in your work, your performance is consistent and your dedication towards work will encourage others to follow suit. A reliable employee is always punctual and does work on time; lateness is a bad taste he despises. This helps to increase productivity.



Control our emotions

The importance of controlling our emotions is never exaggerated when talked about. There are some who lost hard fought prizes because at the end they were unable to control their emotions. Work place population entails persons from different background, raised by different parents, may have different preferences, varied ways of encouraging, advising, reproving, and judging. So it will be very profound to hide your personal sentiments towards your boss or co-workers at the work place because they have done something or said something against you. The best way to settle scores like this is by approaching the person privately and secretly and telling him what he has done wrong. If he accepts his mistakes then progress can be made but if he refuses then you can involve a third party who you trust can resolve the case. No matter what happens at the work place do not let your personal feelings against someone affect your attitude towards work. Showing love and concern are good emotions which do not need controlling but do not let anyone see or experience your anger. When you are angry you can leave the place or if it happens in front of your superiors you can politely ask to be excused for a while. Displaying good character is compulsory at work places. Negativity and dissent can spread like a disease and damage workplace morale and decrease productivity.


Your change must relatively be positive

If you cannot continue something, don’t start it at all. Man is relatively resistant to change, in a way which is opposite to what he already knows. To improve our work ethnic we should remember the enthusiasm we displayed from the beginning of our appointment: our punctuality, how fast we finish task and the best effort we inserted into our work. This initial zeal should never depart. A good employee is the one who has good permanent attitude towards work.


Be a good group player

Egotism is never healthy to practice. Keeping ideas, profitable knowledge and other industrious thoughts are selfish conclusions. An organization can be compared to the human body, all parts work for one benefit, no part is more important than the other because every part has its own function to play to cooperate the well being of the human. Likewise, in an organizational setting every employee is a vital contributor to the increasing relevance of the establishment, so idea sharing is the best meal for this body. Working with others should not be a problem. To be an effective group player, humbleness, accepting and correcting your mistakes, reproving friends discreetly are important characters to be cultivated. To be effective in a group also requires good communication skills. Strong interpersonal skills can help form cohesive teams among employees and make handling challenges easier. Criticisms never leave when two or more persons meet for a purpose but for problem-free groups; a good team player knows the difference between constructive criticism and destructive griping. Coming together is a beginning, staying together is a process, and working together is success. Working in a team yields high productivity.

Working towards a greater good is no crime, but the crimes are: when organizational rules are disrespected, personal sentiments are argued and fought over at work and the advent of other unprofessional behavior which floods workplaces at an uncontrollable rate. Good work ethics should never be undermined and improving on them is the best.

