3 Ways The Internet Is Keeping You From Getting A Job

Posted by | October 28, 2015 | Article University

It is commonplace to hear people refer to the current times as the ‘digital age’. For many, this is usually a good thing because it presupposition of advancement.

However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

According to Muthoni Ndegwa, a Client Relations Manager at Corporate Staffing Services, job seekers tend to overuse the internet. They have become robots who can do nothing without it.

“Employers are looking for people who can think on the go and make on the spot decisions. This is most people fall short during interviews,”she says.

The following could be the reasons why the internet is keeping you from your job.

Reasons The Internet Is Keeping You Unemployed

1. You have become lazy
The only time you apply for a job is when it comes to your inbox or when you see it online while you are surfing the internet. Did you know that you could actually get job adverts from the newspapers and by networking?
To get a job, sometimes it requires you to get out of the house and hustle the way people used to do in earlier times.

2. You have become complacent
Are you the kind of a person who believes everything you get online? This could be the reason you are not getting that all important call. If all your research for the interview relies on the information that you get online, it is time for that reality check.

Did you know that the internet, information is actually uploaded by people. Did you know that people are prone to mistakes? Good, now, do your own research outside the internet and discover the hidden knowledge in books and networking.

3. You have forgotten the basics
Can you write a cover letter without having to copy and paste it from the internet? You have forgotten the basics. Although most applications nowadays are done online, there are those where you will be required to spontaneously write something.

You need to remind yourself of the very basic things, e.g. handwriting a cover letter or an application. In the job market, you should always be prepared for anything. Do not confine your thinking. Wise job seekers will always think outside the box.

Although the internet is a wonderful tool for research, you should teach yourself to use it sparingly. Avoid over reliance as it hampers your ability to think for yourself. Stimulate your mind by going beyond the ordinary and maybe reading a book or two instead.
