3 Reasons You Should NEVER Be Friendly To Your Fellow Interviewees

Posted by | July 3, 2015 | Article University

By Sera Kazungu

Interviews are in themselves very tense and formal. Panic coupled with sweating and butterflies in your tummy will usually take over. The silver lining is in the fact that you are not alone,right?

If you said yes or nodded your head you are wrong. Unless your fellow candidate is interviewing on your behalf, you are alone.

It is not entirely wrong to be social with your fellow interviewees, but you have to stick to talking about random things that do not relate to the job you are interviewing for.

Why you shouldn’t be friendly in The Interview

1. You will expose your weakness
Are you the kind of person who always shares intimate details with random strangers?Do you normally do this on a whim? You have to remember not to do this when you get to the venue of the interview.

Over-sharing will usually leave you vulnerable as you give your ‘opponent’ ammunition against you. They will in an instant learn your strong points and weaknesses. This will enable them to know how to answer certain interview questions and how to sell themselves.

Stick to the pleasantries and leave it at that.

2. You will lose your focus
As you sit there and chat like old college buddies, you are not preparing for the interview. Chances are that you will be called into the interview and you will not know how to answer your questions.

Take your time to prepare for the interview. Meditate and keep your focus on the reason you are there in the first place.

3. You will lose professionalism
Have you ever had a funny conversation with a friend that erupted into bouts of laughter? Imagine doing that in an interview waiting room. It will portray you as not being serious and may work against you in the interview room.

Keep to yourself and maintain your composure. There is enough time for other things when you eventually leave. Do not compromise getting the job for anything.

When attending an interview ,try as much as possible to keep your head on the task at hand; the interview.

Do not let yourself be easily swayed as this may cost you a job you have been waiting to have for a long time.

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